badminton court size in feet bangladesh

badminton court size in feet bangladesh

If y'all have any doubts nearly the size of the badminton court, this is the post to read. In this mail service, we are going to explain all the different sizes of a badminton court, both in anxiety and meters.

All the information from this post is taken from the Laws of Badminton from the Badminton World Federation.

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Badminton courtroom measurements

The badminton court is rectangular and it is divided by a net into two equal rectangles. The standard setting for a court is to exist marked for both singles and doubles matches. The doubles court is wider than the singles one, just both are the aforementioned length. The just exception to that argument is that the doubles court has a unlike back serve line, which is shorter than the singles ane. This oftentimes causes confusion for new players.

The dimensions are equally follows:

Badminton court size in feet

  • Full width: 20 ft
  • Full length: 44 ft
    • This length is divided into 2 equal parts, 22 ft each
  • Front service line distance to the net: 6 ft 6 inch
  • Rear service line distance to the back: two ft 6 inch

If the dimensions that are to be counted are the ones for singles, the width is reduced and the rear service line becomes the back line, so the sizes become as follows.

  • Total width: 17 ft
  • Full length: 44 ft
    • This length is divided into 2 equal parts, 22 ft each
  • Front service line altitude to the net: half-dozen ft half-dozen inch

Below you can find my illustration where all this information is explained in one prototype. I hope you like it.

Badminton court measurements in feet
Badminton court measurements in feet

Badminton court size in meters

  • Total width: half dozen.1 m
  • Total length: 13.iv m
    • This length is divided into two equal parts, six.7 yard each
  • Front service line altitude to the internet: one.98 g
  • Rear service line distance to the back: 0.76 m

If the dimensions that are to be counted are the ones for singles, the width is reduced and the rear service line becomes the back line, so the sizes become as follows.

  • Full width: 5.18 grand
  • Full length: 13.4 grand
    • This length is divided into 2 equal parts, half-dozen.7 m each
  • Front service line altitude to the cyberspace: ane.98 one thousand

Below yous can find my illustration where all this data is explained in 1 image. I hope yous like it.

Badminton court measurements in meters
Badminton court measurements in meters

What is the area of a badminton court?

The full area of the badminton court is 81.75 m² or 880 ft², divided into two equal rectangles.

If the surface area that is being counted is the singles courtroom, then the expanse is reduced to 69.49 grand² or 748 ft² due to a narrower court.

What is the standard size of a badminton courtroom?

The standard size of a badminton court is a width of 20 feet (or 6.1 meters) and a length of 44 feet (or xiii.iv meters). Contrary to other sports, these sizes are fixed, so a badminton court needs to always comply with them. In football, for instance, there is a range of sizes that demand to be complied with, but not a single measurement like in badminton.

What is the length and width of a badminton court?

The length of a badminton court is 13.iv meters or 44 feet. The width of a badminton courtroom is 6.1 meters or xx anxiety.

If you lot play singles, the width of the badminton court is reduced to 5.eighteen meters or 17 feet.

What is the thickness and characteristics of the lines marking the court?

The lines marking the court are 40mm (1.6 inches) broad.

They take to be preferably white or yellowish in color.

When using badminton mats, the right mounting of a badminton mat volition ensure that these measurements are correct because the lines are already marked in the mats.

These lines are part of the area which they ascertain, so both in the images and in the data above the lines are included in the measurements.

How much space practice you demand for badminton?

In addition to the size of the court, yous will demand a bit of clearance infinite between the perimeter lines and the court in order to play badminton. Even though I could non find anything specified in the regulations from the Badminton World Federation, there is a adept resource from Sports Scotland where that is explained.

According to this document, you need the following clearance:

  • 1.ii meters (or four anxiety) between courts
  • ane.5 meters (or 5 feet) between the court and the sidewall
  • two meters (or half-dozen feet and 6 inches) betwixt the court and the back wall

With that in mind, the space that you lot demand if you desire to play badminton and y'all demand only ane courtroom would be as follows:

  • Clear length: 17.4 meters or 57 feet
  • Articulate width: 9.1 meters or thirty feet

If y'all need two courts, the sizes would be as follows:

  • Clear length: 17.four meters or 57 feet
  • Clear width: 16.4 meters or 54 feet

For whatsoever additional court, you want to add in the row, you lot need to add an additional width of 7.3 meters or 24 feet.

What is the summit of a badminton court?

The elevation of a badminton court is defined by the meridian of the poles that support the internet. These posts are ane.55 meters (or 5 feet and ane inch) in height from the surface of the courtroom. The net, that goes on top of the posts, is as well 1.55 meters (or v feet and 1 inch) on the sides and has to exist installed in a way that the measurement is 1.524 meters (or v feet) at the middle.

As for the free tiptop that is needed within the sports hall to play, this cannot be found either in the Laws of Badminton from the Badminton World Federation. However, information technology can also exist found in the document from Sports Scotland.

In this instance, a division is fabricated depending on the blazon of friction match that is being played.

  • Recreational matches: 6.7 meters (or 22 feet) articulate acme above the playing expanse
  • Competition matches: From 7.5 meters (or 24 feet and vii inches) to ix meters (or 29 feet and 6 inches) articulate tiptop above the playing area
  • Matches post-obit the international standard: At least 9 meters (or 29 anxiety and 6 inches) but preferably 12 meters (or 39 feet and 4 inches) articulate summit in a higher place the playing area

What is the length of a badminton pole?

The length of a badminton pole is 1.55 meters (or v anxiety and i inch), as explained in the previous section.

The two posts that are installed to support the internet need to be placed on each side of the courtroom, on summit of the side lines, at a altitude of meters (or xx anxiety).

Want to bring your badminton to the next level? Check Badminton Famly+

If you desire to improve your game, you lot can sign up for the Badminton Famly+ program following this chapter link. Past following this link, you lot will receive 30% off the showtime month.

This e-learning platform is co-created by Thomas Laybourn, Danish player, former Earth number 1, World Champion, and professional motorbus.

They are doing an awesome chore with their online grooming and they have an incredible corporeality of information on how to amend your game.

With such trustworthy founders, it is no surprise that this is, by far, the best online grooming program I have been able to discover.

Terminal words

And with this, we have arrived at the finish of this post. I hope you found the information you were looking for. If you have any questions, delight let me know in the comments below.

If you liked this post and you would like to know a scrap more about measurements in badminton, you can check our Badminton Measurements post, where we explain, amid other things, all the measurements that rackets and shuttles need to comply with in order to be suitable for play.

badminton court size in feet bangladesh

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