what is a hairpin in badminton

what is a hairpin in badminton

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In badminton, a histrion must serve the ball at the commencement of every rally. Since serves are used so often, it's of import to know how to use different techniques to continue your opponent on their toes! For instance, you might use a high serve so the shuttle will state at the back of the court, followed by a low hit that volition land near the net. Luckily, in one case you sympathise the basics, you lot can easily mix up your serves while you lot're on the court!

  1. 1

    Stand within a service courtroom, not touching any boundary lines. If any part of your body touches a service line, your team volition be at fault and your serve will not count. The service court you use will depend on whether you are playing singles or doubles and the side of the court will depend on your score.[1]

    • If you are playing singles, stand 2–3 ft (0.61–0.91 m) behind the curt service line, which is the line closest to the net.
    • If y'all're playing doubles, stand ii–3 ft (0.61–0.91 m) backside the within dorsum line. This isn't the very back line, but the next one in.
  2. 2

    Serve from right to left if your score is an even number, and vice versa. The management of the serve depends on the score. If your score (or your team'due south score in doubles) is an even number, or at the beginning of the game, y'all will serve from the correct service courtroom, and you should hit the brawl towards your left.[ii]

    • Your serve will only be in if it lands in the diagonally-opposite side of the court.
    • If your score is an odd number, serve from the left service court.


  3. 3

    Don't lift your anxiety off the ground during the serve. Badminton rules land that y'all have to go on at least some part of both of your feet on the footing while you're serving. Your back left pes will naturally lift every bit you swing the dissonance, just be sure to keep your toes on the ground![3]

    • The rules as well state that you should not drag your foot forth the ground during the serve, although you tin pivot.
  4. 4

    Hit each shot from below your waist. When you're serving, the shuttle must be beneath the bottom of your rib muzzle, otherwise the hitting is considered illegal. Overhanded serves similar y'all see in lawn tennis or volleyball are not permitted.[4]

  5. 5

    Vary your serves so they won't be predictable. If you lot hit a low serve every shot, for example, your opponent volition begin to expect them. Mix up your shots between low serves, high serves, flicks, and drives, then your opponent volition always exist left guessing where your next serve will go.[5]


  1. ane

    Concur the racket and so your pollex and heart finger affect in forehand serves. When you're gripping the racket for a forehand serve, turn information technology on its side and hold the handle similar yous're shaking hands with it. Your center finger and thumb should rest against each other, and the infinite betwixt your thumb and index finger should be in the shape of a V.[6]

    • Your last 2 fingers should exist wrapped effectually the dissonance's handle.
    • Leave a space betwixt all of your fingers to ensure you're not gripping the noise too tightly.
  2. ii

    Stand up sideways with your weight on your back human foot. Your not-dominant foot should exist in forepart. By standing with your contrary foot in front, you will be able to smoothly swing the racket in front of your torso. The way you shift your weight during your swing will help give y'all more command over your hit.[7]

    • You'll hold the racket in your ascendant hand, and the shuttle in your non-dominant hand.
  3. 3

    Hold the shuttle by the feathers with your pollex and alphabetize finger. The shuttle cork should exist facing down. For a forehand swing, you must drop the shuttle into the path of the racket. Past gripping the feathers between 2 fingers, y'all'll become a cleaner driblet. Try to hold the shuttle a little lower than your chest and off the side.[8]

    • Hold your other fingers straight out so you don't accidentally hit them with the edge of the racket.
  4. 4

    Release the shuttle only before yous swing the dissonance in a forehand swing. Bring the noise back to about your shoulder, then drib the shuttle and swing the racket forwards. Time the driblet and the swing and so that the racket meets the shuttle below your waist. [9]

    • Most serves in badminton are more than about pushing the shuttle gently rather than striking information technology every bit hard as y'all tin.
  5. 5

    Bend your wrist back and push gently for a forehand low serve. A low serve will hitting just over the net, and information technology's the most common serve in badminton. The vertical drib on the other side of the net limits your opponent's swing, increasing your chances of getting a score.[10]

    • While the bulk of your serves will probably be low serves, don't forget to modify them upward so your opponent doesn't know what to look.
  6. 6

    Swing the racket in a wide arc to striking a forehand high serve. In a high serve, you lot hit the shuttle loftier so it will drop vertically virtually the back of your opponent's courtroom. Bring the noise loftier over your shoulder, then driblet it down toward your knees equally you swing forwards and bring it up to come across the shuttle. As you follow through the hit, bring the racket toward your contrary shoulder.[11]

    • It can exist difficult to learn the timing of a high serve, so make sure you lot wait a moment to permit the shuttle to drop into the path of your racket.[12]
    • Aim for the ceiling, rather than back of the court. This will help your serve stay in premises.
    • A high serve is the only serve which must be performed every bit a forehand swing.
  7. vii

    Twist your wrist at the end of your swing for a forehand picture show serve. A flick serve looks a lot like a low serve until the very end of the swing, making information technology a great way to confuse your opponent. Hold your racket the same way you would for a low serve, simply instead of a gentle push, add a little extra power with your wrist at the last second. This will ship the shuttle upward instead of staying low near the internet.[thirteen]

    • Push your pollex in the direction y'all desire the shuttle to land to control the direction of your swing.
    • The motility in your swing should exist generally forrad, rather than upwards.
  8. viii

    Hit the serve with more power to execute a forehand bulldoze serve. Bulldoze serves are a powerful serve that sends the shuttle sharply beyond the opponent's court. Instead of pushing the shuttle or flicking your wrist, endeavor to connect with the shuttle with more force.[14]

    • Players with less skill often can't hit a drive, but if you're playing confronting a skilled opponent, a drive serve can exist a risky gamble, considering if they striking it back, they're probable to score a signal.
    • Endeavor to hitting the shuttle forward rather than upward, so it doesn't go out of bounds.


  1. 1

    Rest your pollex along the bevel on the handle for backhand serves. Agree the racket as you would for a forehand serve, with your fingers wrapped effectually the racket so the sides of your thumb and middle finger are touching, and then rotate your hand until the pad of your pollex is resting on the side of the handle.[15]

    • If you lot're right-handed, plow your hand counterclockwise. If you're left-handed, turn your hand clockwise.
  2. 2

    Stand up facing forward with your dominant leg in front. In a backswing, the racket must swing in front of your torso. By standing slightly sideways, yous'll take more room for the swing. If you're standing correctly, your thumb should be facing your trunk.[16]

    • Hold the racket out and pointing downwards to give yourself enough room to hit the shuttle.
  3. 3

    Hold the shuttle by the feathers betwixt your pollex and index finger. You don't have to drop the shuttle with a backswing, so be sure to concord your remaining fingers straight so you don't hit them with the dissonance.[17]

    • Since you're not dropping the shuttle, be sure y'all're holding it beneath the line of your waist.
    • It's okay if the shuttle is touching the racket strings.
  4. 4

    Swing the racket forward and let become of the shuttle. Equally soon as the racket touches the shuttle, let it become and drive the shuttle forrad with a gentle push. Power your swing with your wrist and elbow. Follow all the way through your swing by pushing up and forward.[18]

    • Y'all don't want the shuttle to fall, and then it's important to concord it until the last second.
    • If yous don't add whatsoever extra power or wrist movements, a bones backhand striking will exist a low serve.
  5. 5

    Increase the speed at the terminal second to hit a backhand flick serve. Start out by holding the noise in a relaxed grip, so tighten your grip and picture show your wrist chop-chop just before the racket hits the shuttle. This will send the shuttle flying loftier, causing it to drop downward vertically in your opponent'southward dorsum field.[19]

    • Picture show serves are well-nigh effective when they're used sparingly so they take hold of your opponent off guard. Try to brand it look every bit much like a depression serve as possible.[20]
  6. 6

    Use a precipitous, forrard swing to striking the shuttle for a backhand bulldoze swing. A drive swing is fast and powerful, and they can be effective if they catch your opponent off guard. Swing the racket forrad sharply, so stop the swing abruptly right after you striking the shuttle.[21]

    • There are sure rules prohibiting certain drive shots, similar S-curves. Stand up at very front end of court for a drive swing, and use a brusque, sharp swing to avoid breaking these rules.[22]


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  • Question

    What are the 4 kinds of serves in badminton?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by 1 of our trained squad of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    The chief types of serves are depression, high, motion-picture show, and drive. Low serves cause the birdie to land close to the service line, forcing your opponent to sprint forward. Loftier, drive, and flick serves send the birdie further back, but at different speeds and heights. The high is a forehand underarm serve with lots of follow-through; the drive is low merely quick; and the flick is a "fake-out" serve that looks like a low serve, but with a sudden flick at the last minute that sends the baboon deep into the court.

  • Question

    Where do you serve in badminton?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    In singles service, the kickoff player to serve should always serve from the right side of the service court. Whatsoever histrion who has won an fifty-fifty number of points volition serve from the right side, while a server who'due south won an odd number should serve from the left side. Yous'll need to stay inside the service court (behind the service line) and keep your feet on the ground while yous serve.

  • Question

    What is an illegal serve in badminton?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This reply was written by i of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Respond

    Whatever serve that is not hit in an upwards direction from below your waist is illegal. It'due south too against the rules to serve from outside the correct service court.

  • Question

    I ever miss the birdie whenever I serve. What tin I do to striking it more often?

    Jinx WildHeart

    Jinx WildHeart

    Community Answer

    Continue eye contact, practice and make certain you are throwing it to your level of height.

  • Question

    Which serve is better?

    Community Answer

    I use the overhand serve, simply simply considering I am ameliorate at striking like that. If yous are new, I would go for the underhand serve with your racket toward the ground and dropping information technology from in a higher place. This helps with upward force.

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  • Proceed your body relaxed and your knees bent while y'all're serving and then you'll have more than command over your swing.

  • If your racket does not touch the shuttle while y'all're serving, it'south not considered a fault. Just choice up the shuttle and try the serve again.[23]

  • All serves must exist underhand.

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Commodity Summary X

To serve in badminton, first make sure you're continuing inside the service courtroom, since touching any of the lines when you serve makes information technology invalid. Stand in the right-hand service court if yous take an even score and the left-hand court if your score is odd. Place your non-dominant human foot forward, and hold your racket level with your shoulder. When you lot're ready to serve, drop the shuttle from your free mitt and time your swing and so the dissonance strikes the shuttle only below your waist. If y'all're hitting a low serve, bend your wrist back and push button gently as yous strike the shuttle. For a loftier serve, swing your racket in an arc downwardly to your knees before bringing information technology up and around your shoulder after you hitting the shuttle. For tips on how to hitting a backhand serve, read on!

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what is a hairpin in badminton

Posted by: meratrud1983.blogspot.com

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